We had a good friend who married former Leeds player Gareth Price.
He had a newsagents in Headingley after he retired from the game and we were in the same trade so we used to meet up with him every now and again. Gareth always used to enjoy talking about his rugby experiences and being such a keen fan we were equally as eager to listen.
During his time, the forwards always used to get paid less than the backs but one of the fastest men on the team was Ike Owens who played loose forward and went on to represent Great Britain.
He asked to go in front of the committee after a while and demanded to be reclassified as a back, because he was not only as quick as them but he did a damn sight more running. In fact, because of the overall graft that he did, he reckoned that he should be paid as a back and a forward.
Gordon Morrish
Originally published in 'Headingley Rugby Voices' Recollections of supporters, compiled by Phil Caplan.
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Memory added on October 22, 2012
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